Monday 16 July 2012

Recent Efforts Online- Twitter

The main effort I have tried to apply to my job search is to make my online profile as informative and professional as possible. My Twitter account is geared towards business as well as leisure: I follow charity job recruiters, headhunters, people who work for charities, charities themselves, volunteering databases and various jobsites, as well as several Guardian Twitter feeds geared towards the voluntary and charity sectors, as they often post links to really useful articles about job hunting and raising your profile, as well as inside tips and interviews with influential people.
I read a lot of online articles and these are where I have learnt to apply a professional approach and to change with the times- as everything is online now it's more important than ever to get your name out there, to have more than just an isolated island in the ocean that is the internet, indeed to have signposts and regular ferry links to your island paradise. I think this metaphor is still working?!

I also think it's really important to follow people on Twitter that inspire you. People that are successful in their career as well as specifically in the industry you want to be in encourage and motivate you to do more to promote yourself. For instance I follow a friend from my 6th form who is really successfully starting up her own events company, and always tweets motivating quotes, her high and low experiences and most importantly what she is learning along the way. This motivates me as I see how well she is doing and I want the same!

Up Til Now...

Welcome all! Let me make introductions. My name is Cally and I have just finished my second year as a student of Anthropology (BSc) at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. My second year grade was a first (yay!) thanks to some hard work and relentless revision. WIth any luck, and even more hard work, that will be my final degree class, which will hopefully make my future life in employment easier.

A bit about my course:
BSc Anthropology is full of compulsory modules from both the social side and the biological side. My personal preference is for the hard facts of biology, and so my optional modules come mostly from this side. There are also compulsory skills and methodology modules, both of which I have passed with grades of above 70 (the mark required for a first). These modules are a great source of transferable skills so I'm glad to have done well.

Outside my student life, I have numerous interests which I love to read about, especially through StumbleUpon, my favourite site on the world wide web. These interests include fitness, vegetarianism and paleodiets, fashion, home design, beauty, travelling, reading, and blogging. My blog count currently stands at 5, in which I write about student finance, sex education, my fanciful life in general, and my dad's business diaries, in addition to this one.
I am also passionate about supporting independent British businesses showcasing the best of British produce, such as bakers, cheese shops and butchers, as well as farmers markets and organic foods. I disagree with mass produced, EU-regulated food, and feel we should live as naturally as we are evolved to do within modern limits, in terms of food and exercise.

My past work experience is limited to tourism and retail stints throughout my teen years. Though my exposure to the work place is limited I am a big believer in transferable skills, and I am willing to learn and enthusiastic with a managerial attitude- I just can't help it- when I see how things could be improved and made more efficient I tend to start doing it my way instead!

Throughout my second year of university however I have been gaining exposure to the environment I would rather be based in for my career through volunteering. So far I have volunteered in a Cancer Research UK shop and as a visitors centre assistant at HMP Canterbury which has been great, and I'm looking into more opportunities similar to this for my third year to keep me busy and to make contacts, as well as gaining insight into different industries.